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End-of-Life Doulas

(Not approved for credit in British Columbia and Saskatchewan)

A new profession that is making a mark in the world of deathcare is emerging in North America and around the world: end-of-life doulas (EOL doulas or EOLDs). This short, self-guided course will help you understand who doulas are, what their scope of practice is, and their potential impact on those of us who are licensed funeral professionals in a rapidly evolving landscape.

Most funeral directors in Canada understand their own profession’s history, but they may have little knowledge of the history of the end-of-life doula. This professional development opportunity will provide a succinct history of the (re)emergence of community deathcare, offer insight into present-day practices, and examine future opportunities for mutual enrichment in the growing field of end-of-life and post-death services.

The OACFP has partnered with the Canadian College of Funeral Service (CCFS) to provide you access to numerous on-line continuing education courses that are available for professional development and have been accredited for CE hours toward license renewal. Each course is set up so that a participant can either complete it in one session or they may access it over time at different intervals. Upon completion of the course, OACFP will send the participant a certificate of completion. Each completed course is equivalent to three (3) hours of credit.